Set Up an Appointment With Liberal Arts Department Purdue

2021-2022 Academy Catalog

Full general Information

About Purdue

Purdue University, a height public enquiry institution, offers higher instruction at its highest proven value. Committed to affordability, the University has frozen tuition and nigh fees at 2012-13 levels. Committed to educatee success, Purdue is changing the student experience with greater focus on kinesthesia-student interaction and artistic use of technology. Committed to pursuing scientific discoveries and engineered solutions, Purdue has streamlined pathways for faculty and student innovators who take a vision for moving the world forwards.

Nearly Purdue


Office of Institutional Assessment

In the Us, bookish institutions and programs use accreditation to ensure that they are meeting established standards of educational quality. Accreditation is a voluntary process of cocky-reflection and peer review that helps institutions to identify opportunities and challenges throughout the university.

Institutional AccreditationHLC

There are two types of accreditation, institutional and specialized. Institutional accreditors, oft referred to as "regional" accreditors, examine a college or university as a whole. Purdue Academy has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (HLC-NCA) since 1913. Our near recent accreditation visit was in October of 2019.

The HLC's new Open Pathway for maintaining accreditation seeks to offering greater value to institutions by focusing on both an assurance of quality and an date in continuous improvement. Two Balls Reviews will take place in the x-twelvemonth cycle. 1 in Year 4 through an online reporting organization and one in Yr 10 that couples the online balls report with a campus visit. In addition, our campus will consummate a Quality Initiative between Years v and 9 focused on institutional innovation and improvement suited to our needs and circumstances.

Specialized Accreditation

Specialized accreditors evaluate specific educational programs. Professional person accreditors, such equally those for business, engineering, and other technical areas, fall into this category.

Lath of Trustees, Officers of Assistants and Educational activity

Current Board of Trustees

Name City Term
Sonny Beck Atlanta, IN 2013-2022
Michael Berghoff (Chairman) Indianapolis, IN 2009-2021
JoAnn Brouillette Lafayette, IN 2006-2021
Theresa Carter Colorado Springs, CO 2020-2023
Vanessa Castagna Dallas, TX 2013-2021
Malcolm DeKryger Demotte, IN 2016-2022
Michael Klipsch Carmel, IN 2015-2023
Gary Lehman (Vice Chairman) Lafayette, IN 2010-2023
Noah Scott Warsaw, IN 2019-2021
Don Thompson Chicago, IL 2009-2022

If you wish to send an email message to a trustee, delight direct it to

Faculty Senate

Please visit the University Senate to learn about the Faculty Senate Chair, meetings and minutes, committees and bylaws.

Current Members

The President's Office

Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. Biography

Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. is the twelfth president of Purdue Academy and the former governor of Indiana.

He was elected Indiana's 49th governor in 2004 in his first bid for any elected office, and and so re-elected in 2008 with more votes than any governor in the state's history. During his tenure, Indiana went from bankruptcy to a AAA credit rating, led the nation in infrastructure building, and passed sweeping ideals and healthcare reforms. Later a series of transformations, which included the biggest tax cutting in country history, the nation'southward well-nigh sweeping deregulation of the telecommunications industry and a host of other reforms aimed at strengthening the country's economic system, Indiana'southward business organisation climate is at present rated amidst the nation's best.

Prior to becoming governor, Daniels served as chief of staff to Senator Richard Lugar, senior advisor to President Ronald Reagan, and Director of the Office of Management and Budget nether President George W. Bush.  He besides was the CEO of the Hudson Institute, a major contract enquiry organization.  During an eleven-year career at Eli Lilly and Company, he held a number of top executive posts including president of Eli Lilly's North American pharmaceutical operations.

At Purdue, Daniels has prioritized student affordability and reinvestment in the university'southward strengths. Breaking with a 36-year trend, Purdue has held tuition unchanged from 2012 through at least the 2019-xx academic year. Simultaneously, room rates have remained steady, meal plan rates have fallen about x%, and student borrowing has dropped 31% while investments in pupil success and Stem research have undergone unprecedented growth.  It is less expensive to attend Purdue today than it was in 2012.

In recognition of his leadership equally both a governor and a university president, Daniels was named amidst the Top 50 Globe Leaders past Fortune Magazine in March 2015.

Daniels earned a available's degree from Princeton'southward Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and a police degree from Georgetown. He is the writer of three books and a contributing columnist in the Washington Post, and his writings are regularly featured in other publications.

He and his wife Cheri have four daughters and six grandchildren.

Please visit the Office of the President for more than data.

The Provost's Office

The Role of the Provost is committed to promoting academic excellence at Purdue. The provost and vice president for academic diplomacy is Purdue's main bookish officeholder, reporting directly to the president. The provost is responsible for:

  1. All academic programs
  2. Academic strategy and priorities
  3. Faculty-related matters (including academic appointments, tenure and promotion)
  4. Pupil academic affairs

The provost works closely with the deans of all colleges and schools to ensure effective collaboration and inspire new areas of scholarship. He besides has straight responsibility for academic back up units including diversity and inclusion, enrollment management, fiscal affairs, and the libraries. The provost collaborates with the chief financial officer and has responsibility for the allocation of financial resources in accord with academic priorities. The provost also communicates on academic and faculty matters with a wide variety of internal and external constituencies, including the Lath of Trustees.

Meet the Provost (website)

Jay T. Akridge

Jay T. Akridge

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Variety

For more than information, visit Office of the Provost.

Equal Access/Equal Opportunity

Nondiscrimination Policy Statement (website)

Purdue University is committed to maintaining a customs which recognizes and values the inherent worth and dignity of every person; fosters tolerance, sensitivity, agreement, and common respect among its members; and encourages each individual to strive to reach his or her own potential. In pursuit of its goal of academic excellence, the Academy seeks to develop and nurture diverseness. The University believes that diversity amongst its many members strengthens the establishment, stimulates creativity, promotes the exchange of ideas, and enriches campus life.

Purdue University views, evaluates, and treats all persons in whatsoever Academy related activity or circumstance in which they may be involved, solely as individuals on the ground of their own personal abilities, qualifications, and other relevant characteristics.

Purdue Academy prohibits discrimination confronting any member of the University community on the basis of race, organized religion, color, sex, historic period, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, inability, or status as a veteran. The Academy will conduct its programs, services and activities consistent with applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and orders and in conformance with the procedures and limitations as set forth in Purdue's Equal Opportunity, Equal Access and Affirmative Action policy which provides specific contractual rights and remedies. Additionally, the University promotes the full realization of equal employment opportunity for women, minorities, persons with disabilities and veterans through its affirmative activeness program.

Any question of interpretation regarding this Nondiscrimination Policy Statement shall be referred to the Vice President for Ethics and Compliance for last determination.


Information For Students & Parents at Purdue University

FERPA Regulations

FERPA Information

What rights do students have nether FERPA?

  • The right to inspect and review their instruction records within 45 days of their request
  • The correct to request an amendment to their teaching records
  • The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in their teaching records
  • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education apropos declared failures to comply with FERPA

"Legitimate Educational Interest"

A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an teaching record in order to fulfill his or her professional person responsibility.

Public Posting of Grades

The public posting of grades, either by the student's proper noun, institutional student identification number, or social security number is a violation of FERPA. Using an assigned random number that but the student and instructor know would be an advisable way to post grades. Fifty-fifty then, the order of posting should not exist alphabetic.

What is directory information?

Institutions may disclose the post-obit information on a educatee without violating FERPA if the student has non restricted their information.

  • proper noun
  • eastward-mail accost
  • address (local & dwelling house)
  • telephone number (local & domicile)
  • higher/school and curriculum
  • enrollment condition and credit hr load
  • dates of omnipresence
  • classification
  • receipt or non-receipt of a degree
  • academic awards received (dean's listing, honors students)
  • participation in officially recognized activities
  • sports photo
  • position, weight, and height of athletes

Indiana SSN Police force

Internal use of SSN information within the Purdue system for the purpose of conducting normal business is nevertheless permitted under the Indiana law. Notwithstanding, it is important to think that Purdue data handling guidelines address the usage and methods of exchanging sensitive and restricted data, in addition to just SSN information. Guidelines

What are education records?

An pedagogy record is any record that is directly related to a student and maintained by the university. A student has the correct of admission to these records.

Pedagogy records include any records in whatever medium (handwritten, email, print, magnetic tape, moving-picture show, diskette, etc.) that is in the possession of any school official. This includes transcripts or other records obtained from a schoolhouse in which a student was previously enrolled.

What aren't education records?

  • sole possession records or private notes held by schoolhouse officials that are not attainable or released to other personnel,
  • law enforcement or campus security records that are solely for law enforcement purposes and maintained solely by the police enforcement unit,
  • records relating solely to an individual ' southward employment by the institution that are non available for any other purpose,
  • records relating to treatment provided by a medico, psychiatrist, psychologist or other recognized professional or paraprofessional and disclosed only to individuals providing treatment,
  • records of an institution that incorporate just information about an private obtained after that person is no longer a student, i.e., alumni records,
  • grades on peer-graded papers that have not been collected and recorded.

Messages of Recommendation

Statements made past a person making a recommendation that are made from that person'south own observation or knowledge practise not require a written release from the student who is the subject of the recommendation. Nonetheless, if personally identifiable data obtained from a pupil's education tape is included in a letter of recommendation (grades, GPA, etc.), the writer is required to obtain a signed release from the student which:

  1. specifies the records that may be disclosed,
  2. states the purpose of the disclosure, and
  3. identifies the party or form of parties to whom the disclosure tin can be made.

Since the letter of recommendation would be part of the student's education record, the pupil has the right to read it - unless he/she has waived that right of access.

"Wellness and Safety" Exception

Institutions may take into consideration circumstances pertaining to the health and safety of a student or other individuals to disclose information from didactics records without a student's consent. If the establishment determines at that place is "articulable and significant threat" to the health and prophylactic of the pupil or others, information from education records can be released "to any person whose knowledge of the situation is necessary to protect" the health and safety of the student or other individuals.

Outsourcing and Access to Education Records

Institutions are allowed to disclose didactics records without the student'due south consent to contractors, volunteers, and other not -employees performing institutional services and functions.

FERPA and Parents' Access to their Educatee's Pedagogy Records

  1. When a student reaches the historic period of 18 or begins attending a postsecondary institution at any age, FERPA rights transfer from the parent to the student.
  2. Parents may obtain non-directory data (grades, GPA, etc.) at the discretion of the institution if the student is a dependent per federal tax police.
  3. Parents seeking information about their student may review the data hither.
  4. MyPurdue Proxy:  A student can give parents, legal guardians, or other trusted parties access to view sure pieces of their pupil information online. This access is referred to equally proxy access, and the person who is granted this authorization is called myPurdue proxy. The pupil controls the entire process through his/her myPurdue Portal and can add anyone with a valid electronic mail address as a proxy.
  • Creating a Proxy Account: Student Guide: myPurdue Proxy Access - Student Guide (.pdf)
  • Authenticating a New Proxy Account: Instructions for Proxies: myPurdue Proxy Access - Instructions for Proxies (.pdf)
  • Future Proxy Login

Telephone call 765-496-0509 or email for FERPA help.

Tuition and Fees

A Purdue University Student Invoice is made upward of various Tuition & Fees, which brand up the total tuition for the University.  The University breaks down specific tuition costs in order to exist transparent every bit to where specific funds are directed and how they are utilized.

Function of the Bursar (Tuition Data and Rate Tables)

Below are estimated costs for the 2020-2021 academic year (two semesters of full-time enrollment - Fall/Jump). Office-time students can discover costs by credit hour see Function of the Bursar. Summertime 2020-2021 rates can be found hither.

All University fees are subject area to change without notice.

Estimated Cost of Undergraduate Attendance
West Lafayette Campus

8+ Credit Hours
Regular Autumn/Spring Per Semester
FALL 2020

For those enrolled.
General Service $4,603.xc
Engineering science Fee $94.x
Repair & Rehabilitation Fee $161.00
Student Fettle & Wellness Fee $117.00
Student Activity Fee $twenty.00
Full Resident $four,996.00
Nonresident Tuition $9,401.00
Total Nonresident $14,397.00
International Pupil Tuition $one,000.00
Full International Nonresident $fifteen,397.00

+ Tuition will remain frozen at current rates through the 2020-2021 bookish twelvemonth.
**International students are those who hold F, J, and some other visa types

**Some programs have additional fees:

  • Computer Scientific discipline - $1,025
  • Data Science $1,025.00
  • Honors Higher $100.00
  • Engineering - $1,025
  • Management/BA in Economics - $718
  • Purdue Polytechnic - $286
  • Flight - Private courses in this program take additional fees; delight refer to the Bursar website or contact the department for specific flight course fees.

This information is subject to change without notice.
If yous enroll in classes simply must withdraw before the semester starts, Purdue will refund your tuition/fees. After classes begin, refunds are reduced proportionally. Students who have certain types of federal financial assistance are subject to other refund schedules.

Estimated Cost of Graduate Omnipresence
West Lafayette Campus

8+ Credit Hours
Regular Autumn/Spring Per Semester
Fall 2020

For students enrolled

General Service $4,603.90
Technology Fee $94.10
Repair & Rehabilitation Fee $161.00
Student Fitness & Health Fee $117.00
Student Activity Fee $20.00
Total Resident $4,996.00
Nonresident Tuition $9,401.00
Total Nonresident $14,397.00

+ Tuition volition remain frozen at electric current rates through the 2020-2021 academic year.
**International students are those who concur F, J, and some other visa types

**Some programs have additional fees:

  • Audiology - $one,394
  • Calculator Science - $562
  • Engineering - $562
  • Management (MBA, MSIA, MGMT-MS in Hr) - $6,208
  • Purdue Polytechnic - $286
  • Flight - Individual courses in this program take boosted fees; please refer to the Bursar website or contact the department for specific flight class fees.

This information is subject to change without notice.
If you enroll in classes simply must withdraw before the semester starts, Purdue will refund your tuition/fees. Afterwards classes brainstorm, refunds are reduced proportionally. Students who have certain types of federal financial aid are subject to other refund schedules.

Estimated Price of Pharm.D

West Lafayette Campus

Regular Fall/Bound Per Semester
(8 hours and above)

FALL 2020

For students enrolled.

General Service $iv,603.90
Technology Fee $94.ten
Repair & Rehabilitation Fee $161.00
Student Fettle & Wellness Fee $117.00
Student Activity Fee $20.00
Differential General Service $half-dozen,012.00
Total Resident $11,008.00
Nonresident Tuition $9,130.00
Total Nonresident $20,138.00

+ Tuition will remain frozen at current rates through the 2020-2021 academic yr.
**International students are those who concur F, J, and some other visa types

This information is subject to modify without discover.
If yous enroll in classes simply must withdraw before the semester starts, Purdue will refund your tuition/fees. Afterwards classes begin, refunds are reduced proportionally. Students who have certain types of federal financial aid are subject to other refund schedules

Estimated Cost of Veterinary Medicine Upkeep
Westward Lafayette Campus
Veterinary MEDICINE

(Freshman - Junior)
Regular Fall/Bound Semester
(8 hours and higher up)

FALL 2020

For students enrolled

Full general Service $iv,603.90
Technology Fee $94.10
Repair & Rehabilitation Fee $161.00
Student Fitness & Wellness Fee $117.00
Student Activeness Fee $twenty.00
Instructional Back up Fee $250.00
Differential Full general Service $4,713.00
Full Resident $9,959.00
Nonresident Tuition $12,414.00
Total Nonresident $22,373.00
Due west Lafayette Campus

4th Year
Trimester Program
(8 hours and to a higher place)
Fall 2020

For students enrolled

Full general Service $iii,375.74
Engineering science Fee $94.10
Repair & Rehabilitation Fee $161.00
Educatee Fitness & Wellness Fee $117.00
Student Action Fee $20.00
Instructional Support Fee $250.00
Differential General Service $3,142.16
Total Resident $7,160.00
Nonresident Tuition $8,291.00
Total Nonresident $15,451.00

+ Tuition will remain frozen at current rates through the 2020-2021 academic year.
**International students are those who hold F, J, and another visa types

This information is subject area to change without notice.
If you lot enroll in classes but must withdraw before the semester starts, Purdue volition refund your tuition/fees. After classes begin, refunds are reduced proportionally. Students who have sure types of federal fiscal assist are subject to other refund schedules.

GI Bill Delayed Payment Policy (website)

All Chapter 31 VocRehab and Chapter 33 Mail service 9/xi GI Bill® students that have submitted their GI Neb Enrollment Certification form and have been certified by the University, will non be restricted in any mode for the first 90 days of a semester if the reason for the filibuster in making payments for the certified semester is due to a filibuster in receipt of benefits from the VA.  This will include assessment of late fees, the deprival of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered private borrow boosted funds. Later the 90 days, the Academy will treat each Veteran on a case-past-case basis.  Delight contact the Bursar'south Office at or the Veterans Success Center at for more data.

Posthumous Degrees

Policy and Procedures for Application a Posthumous Caste

Approved past the Board of Trustees on March 27, 1998; Reaffirmed on August three, 2018.


The awarding of a posthumous degree by Purdue University requires that the deceased student volition have completed:

  1. at to the lowest degree 85% of credit hr requirements; and
  2. nigh requirements for the major.

For awarding of a posthumous degree requiring a thesis, the following additional provisions volition apply:

  1. the student must have completed the inquiry to the extent that a thesis, or i or more manufactures in lieu of a thesis, can be prepared; and
  2. the advisory committee must approve the inquiry and results, including a thesis or article(s), and recommend granting the degree.
Process for approval past the Lath of Trustees

Baccalaureate, Associate, and Professional Degrees

  1. A recommendation from the college/schoolhouse faculty must be endorsed past the dean.

  2. The dean of the higher/school and/or chancellor of the campus, every bit advisable, must submit the recommendation to the provost for transmittal to the president. The names of the candidates approved by the president volition exist submitted to the Board of Trustees for terminal activity.

Graduate Degree

  1. A recommendation must be submitted to the head of the department/school past the major professor simply afterwards the requirements specified to a higher place take been fulfilled.
  2. The head of the department/schoolhouse must submit a request to the dean of the Graduate School. The head of the department/school may cull to recommend awarding a non-thesis degree instead of a thesis degree.
  3. The Graduate Council must endorse a recommendation from the dean of the Graduate School.
  4. The endorsement must be submitted to the provost for transmittal to the president.
  5. The names of the candidates approved by the president will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for final action.

No additional fees will be assessed for a posthumous degree.


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