Muggleborns Have a Magical Family Assigned to Them Fanfiction

A different upbringing leaves Harry Potter with an early knowledge of magic and a view towards the Wizarding World not equally an escape from the Dursleys, but every bit an opportunity to learn more well-nigh information technology. Unfortunately, he quickly finds that at that place are many elements in this new earth that are unwilling to go out the Boy-Who-Lived solitary.

For Love of Magic by Noodlehammer is a complete Harry Potter Fanfic in which after too many burst of adventitious magic, the Dursleys determine to leave Harry at an orphanage. Unfortunately, it has been deleted by mods, just tin can be downloaded in ePub format from fichub

A sequel crossover with A Song of Ice and Fire has been finished, and a 2d sequel which is a crossover with World of Warcraft is in progress.

This Work Contains the Post-obit Tropes:

  • Above Good and Evil: Harry is quite insistent that "The only expert is knowledge, the merely evil is ignorance" and cares piddling for things like morality.
  • Accidental Truth: Harry responds to Lockhart lying to the press to mooch off Harry's fame by writing an anonymous letter to both the Ministry of Magic and Daily Prophet about concerns he has that Lockhart might be extorting sexual favors from the older female person students. Harry's rather surprised to subsequently hear of Lockhart being sentenced to sixty odd years in prison for doing just that (among other things).
  • Actually Pretty Funny: Harry and Adrastia Zabini are trading snark when Adrastia mentions offhand that her female parent's from Africa. Harry'due south response surprises a laugh out of her.

    Harry: Your mother was from Africa?
    Adrastia: Where else do you think I got my lovely black pare?
    Harry: I figured yous were born white and then turned black when the color of your heart started leaking through.

  • Adjusted Out: Hermione is killed past the troll in the second chapter after only a single scene and a few mentions.
  • All for Nix: Harry kills thousands, functionally conquers the magical world, and pushes engineering forrard massively by creating room temperature superconductors. Despite all that, he fails to prevent the collapse of lodge.
  • Always Save the Girl: While Harry feels no "frilly, romantic love" for his girls, through The Joining, they can feel his resolve to fire the world himself if he ever had to choose between it and them.
  • And Then What?: Office of Harry's disdain of Voldemort comes from the latter being unable to answer what he'll exercise once he conquers the magical earth beyond "I will rule". Harry as well plans to rule the magical world, though not through conquest, and actually has a plan on what to do afterward.
  • Beast Motif: Ravens and Crows for Harry.
  • Anti-Villain: Bjomolf may be an a several hundred twelvemonth old vampire orchestrating an Aboriginal Conspiracy only at the stop of the twenty-four hour period, he merely hoped to save every bit many humans every bit possible from the coming societal collapse in order to relieve his own people. After Harry'southward failure to forestall it, Bjomolf admits that the vampires didn't wait him to succeed but had kind of hoped he would anyway.
  • Awesome, but Impractical:
    • The Unforgivables are seen this way by Harry's group given that while they can't be magically blocked, they're all unmarried target simply so they lose their power upon hitting anything (such equally a butterfly in the deject of them conjured to block spells). Compounding the matter is the fact that two of them (Imperius and Cruciatus) require the pulley maintain the spell and the third has an unnecessarily long incantation.
    • A spell Harry develops called the "Crown of Celebrity" causes him and his girls (Tonks, Fleur, and Luna) to temporarily gain an aura of power and righteousness that basically magnifies anything someone else finds impressive well-nigh them while diminishing anything they dislike. Unfortunately, said spell massively inflate their ego as well, meaning the other three are required to keep each ane in check and after fifty-fifty a couple hours of utilize results in each of them having to go their separate ways later to blow off steam lest they kill and/or rape each other notation Harry and Fleur begin plotting sexually dominating the other 3 while Tonks would kill them for fifty-fifty trying or for insulting her. Harry and Fleur each find someone to sexually boss for several hours while Tonks absolutely destroys a punching bag with her bare hands earlier going flying to accident off steam. Luna, as the to the lowest degree affected, simply goes for a long walk in the woods. Regardless, while it'due south a powerful tool to command others, the drawbacks are far too peachy for anything just sporadic curt-term usage.
    • Harry develops spells that mess with the infinite-time continuum, such as a spell that momentarily implodes an surface area. While massively powerful, it takes roughly half a minute to cast and is easily sensed by anyone with any ability to detect magic. Besides 1 time where he lulled some Death Eaters into continuing still long enough, Harry admits the spells are completely worthless in combat.
    • Spellforging, the act of imbuing magic into an object as it'south created rather than enchanting it afterwards, creates a work of unsurpassed perfection merely ties Harry and then deeply with the act of forging that any interruption could impale him. Even dropping the hammer earlier he's done could terminate his heart.
    • Due to how tiresome it is, for bodily combat, wandless magic is useless against anyone who either isn't awed by the act or unaware that it'southward occurring. Confronting someone like Voldemort, the seconds needed to properly form a spell without a focus is time he'll spend launching as many attacks as possible.
  • Atrocious Truth: Harry eventually figures out that, statistically speaking, there's no such thing as Muggleborns. The odds of two parents with no magic having a magic using kid are calculated as existence roughly ten 1000000 to one. In reality, aurors never bother investigating muggle women who've been raped by magicals; instead, they only obliviate them of the consequence and drop them off somewhere in the muggle world. And so functionally every muggleborn ever was actually a instance of Child by Rape.
  • Bait-and-switch Annotate: Harry would never have sex activity with a sphinx; they're then big that neither of them would actually get anything out of it.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: A large part of why Harry hires Penny as his personal banana is because he remembers her as the nice older daughter who made a point of helping him despite his prickly attitude.
  • Beware the Lightheaded Ones: Luna is only as much a Cloudcuckoolander as canon just she also pulls of things like making a golem out of molten cheese.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Harry'due south efforts to prevent social club'southward collapse neglect and he somewhen decides to perform a hard reset by using magical EMPs to destroy technology the globe over, just over the centuries things seem to exist improving. Tonks and Fleur both choose to die after nearly four hundred years alive only Luna stays with Harry to make sure he doesn't shut himself abroad forever. The story ends with them deciding to Walk the Globe.
  • Bizarre Alien Reproduction: Veela are a One-Gender Race who can reproduce with both men and women (though the latter requires magical aid) and so long every bit they are magical. As is somewhen explained, what impregnates them isn't sexual fluids but the magic independent inside them and Harry explains that the entire Veela race is closer to being clones of each other than bodily relatives. As well, because they require magic to breed, Veela discover muggles no more sexually attractive than a random furniture.
  • Black Widow: Adrastia Zabini seduces rich men then marries them before killing them off in some way.
  • Blessed with Suck: Drinking a unicorn'southward blood grants temporarily immortality for anywhere between a few hours to a few months. All the same, it also curses the drinker with perpetual bad luck (Harry describes it as seeming like the universe itself is out to become you) and from the moment you beverage unicorn'south blood, your body permanently loses information technology's ability to heal.
  • Blood Magic:
    • Some of the nigh powerful magic, including creating a Geas, relies on blood of either the caster and/or the target, with willfully given blood beingness the most powerful of all.
    • Near the end of the story, Harry casts a expletive using his blood upon three popular mosques in London, Paris, and Berlin to create anti-Muslim hatred in everyone who sees the buildings.
  • Blueish-and-Orange Morality:
    • Because Veela need sexual activity and magic to survive, they retrieve nothing of public orgies, even between family members, and take been known to accidentally destroy marriages since what they view equally a bit of fun and a meal, their partners wives run across every bit infidelity. After figuring out how to create liquid magic, Harry quickly learns to keep information technology away from Fleur when she tries to kill him to get it in a feral frenzy. Possibly best exemplified with Harry's Veela daughter Victoire who sees nothing wrong with beingness gangbanged by her half-brothers merely is Squicked out at the thought of having romantic feelings for them.
    • Fleur and Harry explicate to a muggle reporter afterwards the masquerade is broken that but because a magical creature looks human, you shouldn't await it to think similar one.
  • Edgeless "Aye": This is Luna's reaction when Tonks rhetorically claims Harry'southward magical research is going to kill him some day. While the others are aghast at the idea, Luna calmly explains that Harry would refuse to die peacefully in his sleep, citing that it "isn't useful".
  • Boring, but Practical: Harry and his girls learn to defend against the Killing Curse past conjuring a swarm of butterflies in front of them. While the expletive can't exist magically blocked, it tin only kill a single target, regardless of said target's size.
  • Bringing in the Adept: After an attack on Spellhaven, Harry puts out a vague ad that leads to him hiring a retired lieutenant colonel to both assist with the island'south security and train his people and himself in warfare. While the man needs various things about magic explained to him, he's far more than knowledgeable most combat than the rest of them (such every bit criticizing Harry for giving Voldemort information he didn't have and Luna for springing a surprise on the others during combat).
  • Cleaved Pedestal: Tonks loses all religion in the DMLE when she learns that non just is raping muggle women fairly common, but the Aurors don't do anything about information technology beyond wiping their memory of the issue. They'll arrest anyone they catch in the act of raping a muggle simply they won't actually investigate if they find a muggle who's been raped by a sorcerer.
  • Brutal Honesty: Both Harry and Luna share this trait, Luna due to No Social Skills (though she's gotten improve over the years) and Harry because he tin can't be bothered to lie to spare someone's feelings. An example comes up when Ginny was asking about joining Harry'due south grouping before Molly interrupts and demands to know what they were talking about.

    Ginny: Nothing important.
    Molly: Then you won't mind telling me most it.
    Luna: Harry, did Mrs. Weasley only miss the subtext? Didn't you say that when people said they weren't talking nearly anything important what they actually meant is that it was none of the other person's business?
    Harry: She didn't miss the subtext and so much every bit ignored it because she's completely unable to go along from sticking her olfactory organ where information technology isn't wanted.

  • Fire the Witch!: Subverted with the orphanage's matron, who correctly guesses that Harry's powers are witchcraft but does not brand try to murder him.
  • Call-Back: Hermione is killed by the troll in Affiliate two, over fifty chapters later, her death is used against the magical globe after the Statute of Secrecy is irreparably broken.
  • Can't Kill You, Nevertheless Need You: Harry and his group go along from killing Adrastia Zabini considering she's more useful alive than dead and, more than chiefly, She Knows Also Much but Harry suspects she has contingencies in place to reveal his secrets if she dies.
  • Card-Conveying Villain: About the terminate of the story, Harry openly admits to Amelia Bones that by pretty much any definition of the term, he is a Dark Lord. But because his terminate goals aren't necessarily evil doesn't change the fact he's committed endless crimes (including many many murders) to achieve said goals.
  • Casual Kink: Luna to a remarkable extent. None of the others are remotely ashamed of what they become upwards to, merely she's the merely one to openly talk about it, even in public.
  • Chekhov'south Gunman: Hermione is killed by the troll in the second chapter. Roughly 50 chapters later, her parents showtime a campaign against the Wizarding World due to the magic beingness outed to the world at large allowing them to finally seek justice for their daughter's expiry.
  • Child past Rape: Disturbingly, Harry figures out that the odds of two muggle parents having a magical child is somewhere between 1 in a million and one in ten million. In reality, a large number of "muggleborns" are actually halfbloods from a wizard raping a muggle woman and either obliviating her himself or magical law enforcement doing information technology. Even worse, the DMLE don't bother to investigate such crimes beyond arresting someone caught in the human activity.
  • Child Hater: Adrastia detests children, referring to them as nasty picayune things. Downplayed with Harry who simply has no patience for children.
  • Child Prodigy: Harry, who gain limited control over magic wandlessly before going to Hogwarts.
  • Handclapping Your Easily If Yous Believe: Harry notes that a off-white bit of magic's actions are considering people call up it should act that way. For case, the reason spells travel slower underwater despite having no substance is that magic users remember "I'grand slower underwater and so spells must be too". This gives Harry an advantage when fighting an assassin underwater as he knows his spells should travel the same speed in water or in air merely his opponent doesn't so Harry's spells travel much faster annotation Notwithstanding that's just enough to make the fight a stalemate until a third group attacks and the assassin decides to call it quits.
    • Because most wizards believe themselves incapable of using magic without a wand, their innate magic actually gets weaker when they don't have ane, leaving them more than vulnerable to the magic of others.
    • Fifty-fifty something every bit elementary as the color of a spell is caused past wizards expecting it to be that colour.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: The Unforgivables are useful against a single enemy (provided you striking them) but each one can simply striking a unmarried target and both the Cruciatus and Imperius curses require the pulley maintain them and thus prevents them from casting other spells. Confronting more a single enemy, only the Killing Curse has any actual utilize but merely a little.
  • Crossdresser: Minerva Mcgonnagall wears a man's business concern suit and a briefcase when visiting the Shaw's house, which decidedly causes a bad impression.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Harry (and afterwards, Tonks and Fleur) speaks fluent snark.
  • Death by Adaptation: Hermione, Victor Krum, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, and the entire Weasley family all dice over the grade of the story.
  • Deconstructor Armada: The story deconstructs a lot of Fandom Specific Plots for Harry Potter. Someone writing fictional tales near Harry's childhood? A kind woman who wrote them on a fit of whimsy, subsequently published them at a friend's urging, and upon beingness confronted by Harry'south barrister, agrees to pay Harry far more than he'd expected. Harry's abandoned by the Dursleys? His frequent tantrums and resulting adventitious magic collection them to their wits end so they dropped him off at an orphanage. Dumbledore never checking upward on Harry? It honestly never occurred to him that family would ever not dearest family. Dumbledore never got Sirius a trial? He was extremely overworked and naive plenty to believe Crouch'south insistence that Sirius had confessed. Molly encouraging Ginny to ally Harry? She was simply encouraging her daughter'south beat and when Harry turns out to be a typical teenage male child instead of The Paragon Ginny idea he was, Molly advises Ginny to surrender on him. Snape hates Harry for who his father is? After knowing the boy a flake meliorate, Snape decide Harry is more like Lily and treats him the same as every other educatee.
    • Even Voldemort making his horcruxes important items held in locations connected to him is deconstructed. Voldemort doesn't use a random rock that he throws into the ocean considering both the item and it's location have to accept significance to the horcrux owner or their soul won't bail to it.
  • Demoted to Actress: The Weasley family are barely in the story due to Harry not befriending Ron. Ginny is the one he interacts with the most and that's in a friend-of-a-friend fashion.
  • Didn't Come across That Coming: Up until he met Fleur, Harry had never met anyone who could tell when he was examining their magic with his own. When he attempts information technology on her to come across the deviation being a Veela makes, she reacts instantly and compares it to being magically molested. Turns out, Veela are far more enlightened of their magic and others than about witches and wizards.
  • Didn't Think This Through: A recurring theme is Harry taking some action and realizing subsequently he didn't remember things through enough. Runes that age him faster also kick start his libido, causing him to fantasize about his foster mother, and never stop crumbling him which leaves him looking roughly seventeen when he's thirteen. A rune designed to hide his listen in darkness from legilmency leaves him open to being corrupted by said darkness later on he murders Peter Pettigrew. The latter is particularly dangerous every bit it nearly turns Harry into a dementor.
    • A narrowly averted example comes when Harry decides to crowdsource an arithmancy trouble by posting it online as a mathematics problem. While he does get a solution, someone besides warns him that the muggle government is enlightened of magic and they go along their eye out for such things, which can land him in very hot h2o.
    • During the First Job of the Triwizard Tournament, Krum uses a expletive to blind his Hungarian Horntail before budgeted to steal the golden egg. Unsurprisingly, getting shut to a fifty foot spiked reptile that merely had information technology's optics blasted turns out to be a fantastically bad thought.
  • Dies Differently in Accommodation: Dumbledore lives long enough to die of old age rather than be killed by Snape or by Voldemort's curse.
  • Muddy Mind-Reading: When Professor Vector turns in her resignation, Dumbledore scans her surface thoughts due to finding the situation rather unusual. To his immense discomfort, he learns she'south by and large thinking most how heady it is to be wearing a buttplug while speaking to him without him knowing.
  • Asymmetric Retribution: During her time as a educatee at Hogwarts, Penelope Clearwater once gave Draco Malfoy detention. As a result, Lucius Malfoy uses his influence to prevent her from getting a respectable task once she graduates. Fortunately for her, she runs into Harry who happens to demand a personal assistant and remembers the older girl who did her best to help him despite his prickly attitude.
  • The Dreaded: While he'd never admit it out loud, by the fourth dimension of their final confrontation, Voldemort is terrified of Harry Potter.
    • The Decease Eaters and other Voldemort sympathisers also eventually, but quickly, realise that Harry is no naive hero. They eventually grab on to the fact that it is Harry who has been operating like a one-homo mafia and making them disappear, only for them to unremarkably cease upwards in his dungeon equally the very unwilling subjects of his horrific, however plumbing equipment and morbidly hilarious, scientific discipline experiments.
  • Equivalent Exchange: Curses involving Blood Magic cede a portion of the pulley's claret until the curse ends, preventing them from ever having more claret than they had subsequently spilling some to perform the curse.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • Fred and George Weasley back out of their relentless pranking of Draco despite being paid to practise then, considering they feel information technology's crossed the line into bullying and they're pranksters, non bullies.
    • Harry eventually grows into a borderline sociopath just even he finds some things abhorrent, the about notable being cognivores: creatures that devour thoughts until they get out yous a vegetable. Non just is the concept horrific, merely the brains that were used to make them came from homeless people who were murdered for said brains.
    • Harry likewise sees harming a unicorn as a Moral Upshot Horizon and makes it clear that he will kill anyone and anybody involved in such a affair.
  • Everyone Is Bi: Every Veela in being is bisexual due to their Bizarre Alien Reproduction. Luna is also bi and Tonks eventually becomes bi also, with Harry theorizing the latter is due to her changing her gender then often for kinky sex games throwing off her hormones.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Voldemort struggles to sympathize why Harry would deliberately share knowledge and power with others (Tonks, Luna, and Fleur) when doing so would make them more dangerous to himself.
  • Evil Is Petty: Lucius Malfoy keeps Penelope Clearwater from getting a decent job after she graduates because she one time gave his son detention.
  • Verbal Words: While seducing a muggle reporter, she tells Harry that she doesn't desire to exist just some other mistress and he promises she won't be. What he doesn't say is she won't be a mistress because she'south only a means to an terminate.
  • Fantastic Drug: Liquid magic becomes 1 for Veela afterwards Harry creates information technology. While only useful for empowering spells and rituals for normal wizards, when Fleur spots it, she nigh kills Harry in a feral frenzy trying to take it from him.
  • Fatal Flaw: Harry's three biggest problems are his impulsiveness, airs, and jerkassery. A great bargain of his bug stalk from acting earlier considering consequences such equally etching runes that use the void to hide his mind from legilmens which nearly turn him into a dementor. His airs causes him to share data with enemies when he should go on tranquillity (a problem he admits to). And his Jerkass tendencies to anyone he's non close to cause him more political headaches than annihilation else, though his personal and political power stems it somewhat.
  • Feathered Serpent: During his trip to Central America, Harry meets a Quetzalcoatl named Etal.
  • For Scientific discipline!: Harry performs all kinds of experiments to acquire more about magic, usually with the knowledge itself being the goal.
  • For Want of a Boom: The unabridged story comes virtually due to Vernon deciding to leave Harry at an orphanage.
  • Genre Savvy: Due to his fondness for videogames (peculiarly RPGs), Harry is quick to spot of import plot points, such as referring to Hagrid'due south mention of "Yous-Know-What in Vault 713" as being a "side quest note", correctly guessing there was a prophecy regarding himself and Voldemort, and figuring out Voldemort has a Soul Jar.
  • Go Seduce My Archnemesis: After Lucius death at Harry's hands, Narcissa attempts to ingratiate herself with Harry in the hope of keeping him from politically (and maybe physically) destroying herself and Draco (Well, Draco just had to annoy Harry, who is practically the former's namesake compared to all but the virtually powerful individuals, ane too many times, with predictably fatal results.), with full agreement that a teenager like him would likely demand sex. Harry accepts and turns information technology back on her via Heel–Face Brainwashing. She, over a flow of a few months, becomes his loyal mistress and eventual political envoy. Her non-evil relatives (i.e. Nym and Andromeda) all hold that her mail service-mental transformation fabricated her a much more pleasant person to be around.
  • Happily Adopted: Subverted with Harry, who's adopted by a wealthy couple, Robert and Katherine Shaw, who were just looking for a condition child that they could brag almost to their rich friends.
  • Happiness in Slavery: An interesting variation occurs with a process known every bit The Joining, which eventually turns one'south sexual partner into their slave but past that point they're perfectly fine with information technology anyhow. Notably, the spouse of any Veela is technically their slave only the relationship is yet largely of two loving spouses rather than principal and servant.
    • As is usual for Harry Potter stories, House elves are non simply happy serving wizards, but accept to in order to survive.
  • Has Two Mommies: Luna's, Fleur's, and Tonks'south children all accept three mothers since they're all married to Harry. In the case of Luna's son Lorkhan, it quite literal as Tonks is his father due to her metamorph powers.
  • Detest at First Sight: Harry feels this way nearly Umbridge. He'south non entirely certain why as he'southward met evil people earlier, but he feels he'd want to punch her even if she told him he just won the lottery.
  • Hates Everyone Equally: Unless yous either testify yourself infrequent or are one of perchance a dozen people he cares about, Harry hates you regardless of who you are and what y'all believe. That goes doubly for the religious.
  • Heel–Confront Brainwashing: Harry uses The Joining to brainwash Narcissa into beingness a loyal servant after he kills Lucius. She likewise becomes his mistress (well, one of them) and political envoy.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Sirius dies saving Harry from a spell cast past a lich Imhotep.
  • Honey Trap: A pair of older students seduce Harry and offer him sex in exchange for supporting their future tailoring business. Unlike many examples, they enjoy the sexual activity and offer him a reasonable share of the profits, making the agreement quite beneficial for all parties.
  • I Telephone call Him "Mister Happy": Luna nicknames Harry's penis "Pokey the Impregnator".
  • I Gave My Word: Harry honors Xenophilius's Last Request (to not accept sex with Luna earlier she's sixteen) no matter how much it irritates Luna.
  • I Hate Past Me: Downplayed merely nigh the end of the story, Harry admits he was "a existent shit" when he was younger. When Dumbledore states that "children were the greatest magic of all", Harry notes that the younger him would take scoffed at such idiocy, but now he's Older and Wiser and understands it's metaphorically true, if not literally.
  • If You Ever Practice Anything to Hurt Her...: Harry'due south version to ane of his daughters' boyfriends is to calmly declare that she better be smiling after their date, while sharpening a disguised axe.
  • I'll Pretend I Didn't Hear That: Amelia Basic makes it clear to Harry that she knows he'southward backside the recent disappearances of exonerated Death Eaters only isn't also interested in actually investigating and so long as only Death Eaters disappear.
  • In Spite of a Blast: Even though Harry murders Pettigrew during his tertiary year, Voldemort is nevertheless eventually resurrected, though it'southward years after once Harry's changes to Wizarding Britain brand purebloods desperate enough to bring him back.
  • Inferiority Superiority Circuitous: Voldemort is extremely insecure well-nigh his ability, which is non only why he refuses to teach any of his secrets to his Death Eaters until he has no choice, only likewise why upon reviving a 2d time, he goes on a rampage against a random muggle town to evidence his power "to his minions and his enemies, merely more often than not to himself".
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: Luna Sleeps in the Nude, even when she's sharing a bed with Harry and/or Tonks. She too bathes with Harry and wants to sentinel him and Tonks have sex, all with nothing sexual nearly it on her end.
  • Invisible to Normals: Muggles tin not encounter magic spells, merely the results. So a duel between Harry and Voldemort in the centre of London appears to them like two people waving sticks at each other and things exploding at random.
  • Irony:
    • Grindewald did more for equality among magicals in a few years than Dumbledore did his whole life. Of grade, he accomplished that by killing most of the old pureblood families in Europe to steal their artifacts and cognition.
    • The one who inherits Harry's role as Male monarch of Spellhaven isn't any of his children, but Lorkhan, who's Luna son with Tonks.
  • Information technology Gets Easier: Harry eventually learns that he's gained a far more than blase attitude towards killing subsequently murdering Pettigrew due to the cracks in his soul that permit the Night in.
  • Jerkass: Due to his developing sociopathy, Harry tends to be a prick to most people. The only reason he gets away with information technology is his massive amounts of personal and political power (with much of the latter stemming from the former).
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Snape's dislike of Hermione stems from the fact that "any idiot can regurgitate facts from a book" and her turning in essays twice as long as required makes more piece of work for him.
  • Karmic Death: Anyone who drinks a unicorn's blood volition lose their ability to heal. Besides cuts and bruises never healing, their cells stop dividing. Then even if you never get injured once again, you'll even so rot from the inside out as your cells die off without being replaced.
  • Kids Are Cruel: As Harry finds out at the orphanage, who great him for his scar.
  • The Last of These Is Not Like the Others: While introducing the women in his life to a mundane reporter he'south explaining the magical world to, Harry gets a kicking out of remarking how all of them are his lovers except his Sexy Secretary Penny.
  • Last Request: As he lays dying, Xenophilius asks Harry not to sleep with Luna until she's 16. Harry honors the understanding fifty-fifty when a fifteen year old Luna is determined most having sexual activity.
  • Logical Weakness:
    • The Joining brainwashes someone over time by using your magic to influence their own. Naturally, beingness enlightened of your own magic causes one to be immune to the brainwashing.
    • Adrastia's own version of the Joining ensnares men by using their natural want to procreate confronting them. As a outcome, oral and anal sex can't exist used for her Joining considering even when under her control, men know they can't brood that fashion,
  • Loophole Corruption: Rather than hunt down Voldemort'southward last ii horcruxes then kill him, Harry force feeds him Draught of Living Decease and so places him in a stone coffin nether a temporal spell that means Voldemort will remain asleep for centuries.
  • Magic Feather: Harry theories that wands are simply a foci to channel magic because otherwise muggles could utilise magic through wands. It'south but that wizards never allow go of their crutch and restrict themselves to wands.
  • Magic Versus Science: While the are exceptions and some workarounds, there is a great deal about magic that science tin can't explain, replicate, or event. For case, magical clothing (and indeed whatever magical particular) has to be made by hand and tin can't exist mass produced by machines.
    • Magic can't be used to improve the infinite program every bit information technology requires the "soul" of the planet to piece of work. Harry theorizes that any enchantments on a space shuttle, satellite, or probe would simply cease to be one time they got too far from World.
  • Magitek: Harry alchemically creates a room temperature superconductor (which he names Saronite), though to control the supply he designs it such that information technology's ruined if melted and it breaks instead of bending, meaning saronite has to be transfigured into the required shape for any given auto.
  • Marriage of Convenience: Despite previously showing indifference at best to the thought of marriage, Harry proposes to Fleur, Tonks, and Luna after the attack on London due to Adrastia explaining that information technology'd help prevent problems downwards the line for him and Spellhaven.
  • The Mind Is a Plaything of the Torso: Harry theorizes that Tonks' increased aggressiveness and attraction to women (years prior she only had minor interest and she's now fully bisexual) is due to her granting herself male person genitals with increasing frequency (every bit part of kinky sex games with Fleur) which is messing with her hormones.
  • The Mistress: Narcissa, Septima, and in an somewhat unconventional way, Adrastia by the about finish of the story. While the relationship between them cannot called existent dear, Adrastia willingly follows him, due to having admission to a steady supply of immortality elixir, having protection and freedom to operate side schemes under his considerable protection, and the corking sex. He also has numerous other flings, simply none of those hold much emotional pregnant, at least for him.
  • Morality Concatenation: If not for Fleur, Tonks, and Luna, Harry understands he would quickly devolve from Pay Evil unto Evil to the Moral Event Horizon. Tonks in item falls into the roll equally Fleur sometimes suffers Blue-and-Orange Morality while Luna is a Cloudcuckoolander; eventually Tonks admits to herself she only acts as the vocalism of morality because she feels someone has to.
  • Morally Bankrupt Banker: Gringotts, who agree to transfer the coin of Harry'southward trust vault into a new vault and have information technology replenished at his birthday for a 20% fee.
  • Morton's Fork: After killing Lucius Malfoy, Harry is left with what to do with Narcissa and Draco. Killing them will cause him far as well many political problems but sparing them will crusade just equally many. In the end he decides to brainwash Narcissa into being his retainer.
  • Muggles Practise It Ameliorate: When the Statute Of Secrecy is irreparably broken, Goblins attempt to take control of muggle banking like they control the wizarding banks. Unfortunately for them, muggle banks rely heavily on digital currency with actual cash often ignored in favor of checks, debit cards, and credit cards. By contrast, wizards only pay for things with tangible currency.
  • Mundane Fantastic: Harry is noticeably offended past the Wizarding Earth'due south complete lack of awe at magic. They tin can rewrite facets of reality on a whim but they treat it as completely mundane. Incidentally, information technology'south this very attitude that causes them to be in awe of Harry's seemingly incommunicable feats, such every bit wandless casting, creating new spells, and changing components of spells. Anyone can practice them merely their attitude towards magic keeps them from exploring it.

    Harry: You have the power to alter reality and you lot apply information technology on something equally trivial as cleaning a plate.

  • Mundane Solution: Harry saves Dumbledore'due south life from the withering curse on his arm by first removing all other magic from said arm to make sure the curse won't spread further and then cutting the arm off with an axe.
  • Mundane Utility: When she was younger, Tonks learned how to use her metamorph abilities to command (read: preclude) her menstruation cycle. Once she gets pregnant, she morphs her nascency canal so that all three of her triplets are built-in in under 2 minutes total.
  • Nerd: Harry, thanks to playing many RPG video games. A lot of the spells and magical items he develops are based off (and usually named after) things from various anime and games.
  • Nice to the Waiter: Harry might be wildly different from canon, simply he'southward notwithstanding unfailingly polite to his Firm Elves and at one point uses ane as a Hugger-mugger Test of Character when Narcissa comes to beg his help.
    • The Malfoys not following this rule comes dorsum to bite them after. In a rage over his male parent being killed in a duel, Draco beats their Firm Elf to death, while Narcissa only views it equally unfortunate every bit neither of them has any skill at housework. Fifty-fifty when Narcissa secures Harry'south support, he refuses to allow them to buy a new Business firm Elf as he won't knowingly put one through such a situation.
  • Not Good with People: Harry, although that'due south an understatement.
  • Non Then In a higher place Information technology All: Bjomolf is the leader of the vampires and is so old he was a viking before existence turned. He's also a big fan of Jenga and heavy metal music (particularly viking metal of course). In the latter example, when Harry points out that classical music would fit the atmosphere better, Bjomolf points out that he was effectually when "classical" was pop music.
  • Older and Wiser: After Harry becomes a father, Dumbledore remarks that family and love are more powerful than any magic they could ever create. Harry notes that a few years prior, he'd have openly mocked such a argument, just at present he's old enough and wise plenty to understand it may non be literally true but does have some metaphorical truth to it.
  • Our Liches Are Different: In Egypt, Harry encounters (and accidentally revives) a Priest of Ra who'd made his own bones into a horcrux, functionally turning him into a lich and making him exceedingly difficult to kill.
  • Outliving One'due south Offspring: Narcissa later Draco dies trying to kill Harry.
  • Newspaper Tiger: When Tonks, Luna, and Fleur face Bellatrix in combat, they realize that she's not nearly every bit dangerous as she'south portrayed. While Bellatrix is remarkably fast, her reputation every bit Voldemort's most dangerous follower is due to her cruelty rather than her power or skill. Every bit a effect, the 3 accept her out without much trouble.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: Harry uses captured/kidnapped Expiry Eaters for human being experimentation as office of whatever project he's currently working on. Information technology's never a question of if they'll survive, just how long they'll survive since if they're still alive subsequently Harry'south done with one experiment, he'll but utilise them for some other one.
  • Pet Monstrosity: What Adrastia becomes for Harry near the finish of the story, at present that he has magically tied her fate to his via a claret-based geas. He lets her have mostly free reign over her various machinations and social engineering schemes, equally long as they do not negatively impact his own.
  • Politically Incorrect Hero: Harry is unapologetically prejudiced against people living in MENA and the rest of Africa, where most of the world'southward Muslims alive, due to what he sees equally a disgusting lack of enlightenment/knowledge in said regions and holds a burning hatred for religion as it "not only promotes ignorance but spreads false cognition".
  • Ability Perversion Potential: While many Harry Potter stories bring up Tonks' Metamorph powers, For Love of Magic takes information technology further than most past having her changing into fictional characters such equally Lady Death and Tyrande Whisperwind.
  • Pragmatic Villainy:
    • Adrastia Zabini abandons her plans to seduce Harry as well as Sirius, make 1 kill the other so afterwards brand the winner commit suicide when she realizes Harry is too strong and besides cocky-aware for her magical seduction to work. Instead she settles on an alliance between the ii every bit both know nigh the other'southward highly illegal activities but besides has sufficient gold to bribe investigators even if either had enough evidence to truly condemn the other.
      • Once Harry manages to buy her loyalty (with a stable supply of philosopher stone-derived immortality elixir of his own making, every bit well as a blood geas to bond her to himself), Adrastia does her damnedest to help him succeed since her fate is at present tied to his.
    • Quidditch is one area where being a pureblood won't cover for incompetence. Even the virtually devout claret purists want their team to win and would rather have skilled muggleborns carry them to victory than unskilled purebloods price them a match.
    • Bjomolf wants to salvage every bit many humans as possible from what he believes to be an inevitable societal collapse, but only because vampires like him need someone to prey on. He also scolds Ophelia for trying to enthrall Harry because her failure ruined a lot of goodwill he'd been building with the wizard.
  • Precision F-Strike: Fleur Delacour reacts to Rita Skeeter'due south blatant racism (request whether she felt a Veela could compare to "proper wizards") by telling her to "eat shit and die" in French.
  • Professional person Killer: One named Goran Gojkov becomes a recurring grapheme, first hired to kill Harry Potter (though giving upwards once Harry proves more problem than he'south worth), again to help Draco resurrect Voldemort, and a 3rd time to help train Voldemort's troops.
  • Psycho Supporter: Narcissa becomes a downplayed example towards Harry. While more than sane than Bellatrix, she's just equally devoted to Harry equally Bellatrix is to Voldemort, with information technology beingness particularly obvious when Harry makes an offhand comment virtually conquering the world and Narcissa eagerly declares it his correct to rule over the masses.
  • Psychoactive Powers:
    • In large office, a magician's power to utilise magic is based on their confidence that they can use it.
    • Tonks metamorph powers tend to react to her emotions if she's not deliberately keeping command of them. Examples include making herself more than attractive to someone she'south attracted to, growing muscles when she wants to physically destroy something, and making her body more sensitive during sexual activity to increment her pleasance.
  • Psychosomatic Superpower Outage: Because of their belief that wands are necessary to cast magic, wizards who've been disarmed not only lose the ability to cast magic only their fright makes them more vulnerable to the magic of others every bit well.
  • Real Men Love Jesus: The matron at Harry's orphanage is very religious and is displeased past Harry'south magical powers.
  • Really Gets Around: Harry sleeps with a surprising amount of women over the course of the story, with them being anywhere from one night stands to long-term lovers. in the epilogue, Adrastia claims she could follow Harry and Luna'south travels throughout the world by "following the trail of blackness haired, green-eyed children".
  • Really 700 Years One-time: By the epilogue Harry, Luna, Adrastia, and Lorkhan are all over six hundred years erstwhile. Tonks and Fleur decided to die when they were four hundred years former, the centuries having weighed as well heavily on them.
  • Rhetorical Question Blunder: Tonks has trouble coping with the thought of not just being in a four-manner relationship but Harry potentially sleeping with random women on the side as well. When she asks if Harry would be fine with her sleeping with another human being, Harry says that not simply is he fine with information technology but if he was bisexual, he'd be suggesting she bring the man into their bed to share.
  • Dominion of Absurd: When he finally gets married, Harry gives several reasons for changing his name to Harry Black merely Tonks confides in her mother that information technology'due south by and large because he thinks "Black" is a cooler name than "Potter".
  • Safe, Sane, and Consensual: Harry enters a BDSM relationship with Professor Vector and notes that he's rather proud of himself for having a expert plenty feel for her limits that she's never used their safety words. When he gives her to his other lovers for the night, he makes a bespeak of everyone knowing the safe words (xanthous for "ease upwardly" and red for "end") and reminds Vector that she can stop it at any fourth dimension.
  • Sanity Has Advantages: Voldemort'southward dwindling sanity due to his virtually constant failures only make him more than reckless and ultimately predictable.
  • Scars Are Forever: Harry has numerous scars that can't be healed due to their cursed nature. Such scars include runes he carved into his own skin, a fire scar on his arm from a semi-botched bandage of cursed burn down, and lacerations on his face from a fight with a Lich.
  • Spiral This, I'thousand Outta Here!: Goran Gojkov, who was hired to kill Harry, decides the money isn't worth fighting someone of Harry's level when information technology quickly becomes articulate his superior mobility is the only affair keeping him live. After the two work together to survive a trio of Death Eaters who assault them, he offers Harry a curt nod and leaves.
  • Shapeshifter Baggage: Downplayed when information technology comes to Tonks'southward Metamorph powers. Increasing her mass is fueled past her magic but doing so too drains her. At one point, she non only makes her breasts lactate just do and so under high pressure; after a couple minutes of spraying Harry with milk, Tonks runs out and feels like she skipped a couple meals.
  • Shout-Out: Harry frequently names things he creates subsequently something from a book, anime, or game.
    • His scrying obs are called Palantirs.
    • The dryad he, Tonks, Luna, and Fleur accidentally created is named Marae (after a goddess from Corruption of Champions).
    • Naturally a chamber made with temporal magics to crusade Year Within, Hr Outside is called the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
    • The axe Harry gifts Bjomolf in the last affiliate is a replica of Gorehowl.
  • Small Proper noun, Large Ego:
    • Draco is noted by Harry every bit having "an ego completely disproportionate to his mediocre abilities and an inability to accept any facts that contradicted said ego".
  • Snark-to-Snark Gainsay: While common between Harry and Adrastia, Tonks and Fleur engage in some friendly snarking likewise on occasion.
  • The Sociopath: Harry Potter ends up a sociopath and openly admits that information technology'due south only the women in his life arguing against it that keeps him from kidnapping and murdering the children of Death Eaters before they can become a trouble. He uses them as a Morality Chain every bit he long since lost any morals he had and while about of his actions are role of an end goal, sometimes it'south but for the hell of it. More than one time he refers to or thinks of people in general as being useless bags of meat. His reasoning for non executing Voldemort's captured followers immediately? It's less wasteful to utilize them for human experimentation outset.
    • Subsequently chapters show that his lovers have started showing shades of this. When Harry discusses the concept of "The call of the void" notation Stray thoughts, frequently focused around committing suicide or murder, unremarkably associated with the idea of jumping off a ledge, Tonks admits to herself that these days, she mostly advises moral choices out of a combination of habit and the conventionalities that someone should.
  • Sore Loser: When Harry fails to prevent lodge's collapse, he uses liquid magic to create magical EMPs all around the world to "force a hard reset" for humanity.
  • Spiritual Successor: Tin be thought to be i to Partially Kissed Hero, being a fic with a sociopathic Harry who is prejudiced against nearly forms of religion (particularly Muslims), attracts women to him like flies, has the masquerade be shattered broad open, potentially interesting ideas sprinkled in between all of the above, and in which the fics spend a lot of fourth dimension tearing into aspects of the Harry Potter community. The two main differences are that Partially Kissed Hero goes after catechism while this story goes after fanon, and that dissimilar Partially Kissed Hero, Harry being a sociopath isn't treated as a practiced thing * In Partially Kissed Hero, Harry overreacting to whatever potential threat is more often than not considered admirable, fifty-fifty when he's actually/functionally murdering someone who wasn't any real threat. In For Love of Magic and information technology's sequels, even people who hold with Harry's finish goals are highly uncomfortable with his means..
  • Start My Ain: Later on leaving Hogwarts after his fourth year, Harry starts his ain civilization past creating an isle which he names Spellhaven.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: Harry notes that the Quidditch World Cup could have solved a lot of bug past either letting the muggle landowner in on magic and then obliviating him later or finding one they could bribe to take an extended vacation.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Adrastia Zabini is both drib dead gorgeous and almost six feet tall.
  • Foreign Minds Call back Alike: Upon meeting Slughorn both Luna and Etal wonder how far he'd roll if pushed down a loma. Harry has to fight downward his laughter that Luna says the verbal aforementioned matter as Etal despite non speaking Parseltongue.
  • Stupidest Thing I've E'er Heard: When Harry hears the rumors of how he got so many sphinxes on his island, he's shocked by the sheer idiocy of them.

    Adrastia: They say you engaged in a battle for dominance with the males and denied them mating rights unless they entered your service. That is also ane of the more than popular rumors about how y'all got your facial scars by the mode. Oh, and there is some amusing speculation every bit to whether yous take reward of your dominant position with the females.
    Harry: What the bodily fuck? Have people even seen the size of the sphinxes? They're almost twice equally big as a full grown tiger! Even if I was into the kind of thing, their twats would be way too big for either of us to get anything out of it.

  • Have That!: Towards diverse Harry Potter Fanon such as magical cores (magic is almost intelligence and willpower), that Snape was committing Mind Rape in his Occlumency lessons, or soul bonds.
    • A balmy one is given to the Fandom-Specific Plot of arresting Harry for killing Death Eaters. Fudge thinks to himself that even if the families of said Death Eaters insisted information technology was a prank that Harry overreacted to, the public outcry would destroy anyone involved in such a debacle.
    • The idea of a soul bond is brushed off as the idea of airheaded nitwits. The closest thing is The Joining which is basically brainwashing someone and making them addicted to you lot via sex activity magic.
    • Harry snarks that Fifty Shades of Grey is basically a manual on how not to have a BDSM relationship, instead being the story of the emotional manipulation and breakup of a very naive and inexperienced girl.
  • Taking You lot with Me:
    • Draco uses a potion that acts like both a flop and mustard gas in an attempt to kill Harry. Though he didn't actually know it'd impale him too.
    • When Harry threatens to wipe out vampires, Bjomolf reveals that he owns several nukes from the Common cold War to use against humanity if his people'south extinction was inevitable.
    • An accidental variation occurs in the epilogue when Harry shows Voldemort the magic of prophecy binding them together. Voldemort immediately tries to destroy it, causing both of them along with Luna and Adrastia to be pulled out of reality.
  • Besides Impaired to Alive: A trio of Decease Eaters try to kill Harry during the second task, but non just do they go along on their voluminous robes underwater, they cast blasting spells. The resulting underwater explosion leaves them badly injured and unconscious. Harry simply leaves them to drown.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: Tonks managed to go along some level of idealism for years, just events conspire to slowly erode it away until she temporarily becomes a Broken Bird. While things similar learning that the DMLE doesn't actually pursue people who rape muggles greatly lessened her idealism, the straw the bankrupt the camel'southward back was Voldemort taking the Weasley family unit earnest and then launching a massive attack on London. Subsequently failing to relieve the Weasleys and the catastrophic damage washed to London, Tonks listlessly states that they should take ignored the hostages every bit they would've died anyhow and information technology'd teach Voldemort not to bother using hostages against them.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Harry becomes increasingly sociopathic over the class of the story, though his contempt for the average and mediocre eventually mellows out.
  • Touché: When Voldemort attacks Spellhaven, Harry's group doesn't learn until after they've killed about of the attackers that the majority were Imperius victims. Once Harry realizes the political and social ramifications of all those deaths, he offers an irritated, "Yous derisive motherfucker."
  • The Unmasqued World: Later a massive attack on London (involving Giants and Inferi), the International Confederation of Wizards are doing their damnedest to proceed a lid on things despite Harry clearly spelling out that there are thousands of live witnesses who uploaded videos on pictures online creating millions more in hours. As he put information technology, "The Statute of Secrecy is irreparably broken. Suck it up and move on."
  • Unknown Rival: For the cursory time she's in the story, Hermione tries to set herself up as Harry's academic rival but the boy'south barely aware of her attempts.
  • The Vamp: Adrastia Zabini. One time Harry finds her out, she makes no bones virtually the fact she manipulates men for wealth and ability and has killed many past lovers.
  • Villain Has a Point: Bjomolf enacts a decades (peradventure centuries) long plot to break The Masquerade separating the muggle and magical worlds because all his evidence suggests culture is about to collapse and if done under his control, he tin can save at least several thousand and protect his food supply. While going over the notes Bjomolf gave him, Harry and the others acknowledge that the former viking seems to be right.
  • Villain Respect: Voldemort admits to himself that he would really admire all Harry'south accomplished over the years if they hadn't come at his expense, noting that in a few years Harry undid decades of work.
  • Was One time a Man: Afterwards Harry near becomes a Dementor; he wonders if Dementors are wizards who tampered with magic they didn't understand.
  • Nosotros Have Get Complacent: Later the collapse of lodge and the deaths of billions, Harry decides to make certain humanity has to struggle once more past filling the oceans and lands with horrific monsters, claiming that humanity had to acquire how to fight for survival one time again.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Harry'southward overarching goal after defeating Voldemort for good was to try and prevent the coming apocalypse for humanity. Unfortunately, it failed.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Fleur and Tonks decide to die after living for nearly four hundred years as losing their family members over and over grew also much for them.
  • Worthy Opponent: Harry respects Adrastia Zabini as a fellow manipulator and intends to go on the game going between them fifty-fifty after he'southward enslaved her. Harry notes that she likely feels the aforementioned as they kept metaphorically circling each other like hungry tigers for years rather than avoiding each other equally two dangerous people who weren't enemies should. Notably, Harry doesn't extend any of this respect to Voldemort equally he feels the man is too Stupid Evil to be interesting and can't even respond what he'll exercise once he conquers the magical world.
  • Wound That Volition Not Heal: Any injury received later drinking unicorn claret will never heal as the curse involved in doing so permanently renders the drinker's body unable to naturally heal.
  • Year Inside, 60 minutes Exterior: Eventually Harry develops a Hyperbolic Time Sleeping accommodation where fourth dimension travels roughly a hundred times faster inside than exterior. Harry abuses it to such an extent, especially after his children are born, that at 25, he's almost xl.
  • Year Exterior, 60 minutes Inside: The rock coffin Harry seals Voldemort's comatose torso in is under a spell that causes only one year to pass inside for every century that passes outside, with the reasoning that even if they don't find Voldemort'south final horcruxes past the fourth dimension he wakes upwards, they'll exist long expressionless and then he'll no longer exist their trouble.
  • Younger Than They Look: Harry spends a few years looking older than he really is due to using runes to historic period himself faster, only to have to use more to stop it because by thirteen, he was six feet alpine and had to shave daily. That he then creates a Hyperbolic Fourth dimension Bedchamber only ages him further until at 18, he's aged to roughly 26.


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