How to Become A Twitch Affiliate: Expert Advice for Growing Your Channel

Hey folks! Transparency Disclosure- Some of the links in this commodity are affiliate links. That means I'll receive a pocket-size committee if you decide to click on information technology and buy something. Don't worry, information technology doesn't price you anything actress!

I love playing video games. In fact, 1 of the things I want to do when I achieve financial independence is to brand money as a Twitch affiliate. That's the dream for lots of usa, isn't it?  I got two divide Twitch accounts to affiliate status in less than 30 days, and I can help you too!  I'll give the full back story at the end for those who are interested –  we're not going to exist similar those recipe posts where you have to curlicue through years of back story to become to the goodies. Instead – jump right in and larn how to become a Twitch affiliate fast!

What is Twitch?

I know a lot of my readers are into finance and not so much gaming (but hey – gaming is a legitimate side hustle!) then allow me briefly explain Twitch.  Twitch is an online gaming platform that allows you to watch other people play games. It also allows you to stream when yous play, so others tin can watch you. Alive streaming is all the rage in the gaming world, it'southward a groovy fashion to connect with people who similar similar games.  It's a ton of fun too!

Lots of gamers make money on Twitch. There are even a few big shots who stream video games as a total-fourth dimension job! (Living the dream there, right!). The get-go footstep to making coin on Twitch is getting set up up. Offset with our Beginner'south Guide to Starting a Stream for information on how to exercise that.

Once you go everything set upward, yous can work on becoming a Twitch Affiliate.

What Are the Requirements to be a Twitch Affiliate?

You need to meet Twitch's requirements before you tin can become an affiliate.  Twitch wants you to stream for at least 500 minutes per xxx-day menses (that's a little over 8 hours a month!) with at least seven unique circulate days. You can't stream once per month for 8 hours and call it a day, you lot take to stream at to the lowest degree 7 days per calendar month. It's not just about time though, Twitch needs to make sure people are watching you before they allow you become an affiliate. You need to accept an boilerplate of three or more than viewers per thirty-day catamenia and you need to have at least 50 followers on the platform. These chapter requirements seem incredibly daunting, just it'south totally doable!

"twitch requirements"

How To Go a Twitch Affiliate

The large question is – how do you lot get there? There are a few things you can do to assistance y'all brand Twitch affiliate fast -only you have to be dedicated. You have to put in the hours, you accept to time your streams correctly, and y'all have to stick to a schedule. Yous also take to exist entertaining, network and draw an audience. All of this seems very hard, merely don't worry – I'll interruption information technology downwardly for you lot!


Putting in the Hours

The first step to becoming a Twitch affiliate is actually streaming on Twitch. This takes a ton of fourth dimension and dedication.


In order to become a Twitch chapter, you lot have to dedicate a ton of time to Twitch. You won't even be considered unless y'all stream for at least 500 minutes and 7 split up days a month. For people with total-time jobs, family unit obligations, school, and other things going on in their life, that can be a lot.

And those are merely the minimum requirements. In order to really build an audience (and build a rapport with that audience), yous will probably need to stream fifty-fifty more. A smashing way to commit to Twitch is to create a schedule.

I caveat to the time thing before I get into why a schedule is important – Putting in also much time can also hurt your chances of Twitch affiliation. Streaming for 100 hours with no viewers is going to hurt your average (remember you need 3!). So if you are having an off night with no viewers, it might be better to turn the stream off.

I actually got to affiliate by following this guideline. Knowing I was super close to an average of 3, I stopped streaming for the nighttime when my third viewer had to go. I didn't want to risk hurting my average by hoping another person would popular in. Sometimes y'all have to be strategic in when you lot call it quits for the nighttime.

Ok – dorsum to the schedule.


Creating a schedule helps in ii means. Beginning -it helps you mentally prepare for your streams. If yous want to take this seriously and build it into a legitimate side hustle, you need to put the mental energy in and treat it like a business. Yous need to ready a schedule that works effectually the rest of your obligations and stick with it. Sometimes that means saying no to a happy hour or something else fun that comes up, and sometimes information technology ways logging on when you just aren't in the mood. Just trust me – it will be worthwhile.

The other way information technology helps is by offering your audience consistency. Your fans want to know when they tin wait to see you lot. They don't want to be left waiting. I created a banner on Canva with my schedule, and posted it every bit my general headline on Twitch. Now, anyone who pops by my channel knows I stream on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. And I brand sure I stick to it!

Obviously, life comes start though.  It's ok to alter things up when life happens, or if you lot have an emergency. But I caution you that "life happening" shouldn't just exist "Meh, I'd rather do something else tonight". Maintaining a schedule is the best style to keep your regular followers happy, and go on them coming dorsum.


1 last thing that needs to exist mentioned almost time and timing is choosing the fourth dimension of twenty-four hours that yous stream. You accept to know when your audience is going to be nowadays and available. Many people are free in the evening, so if you're trying to draw that crowd, it's best for y'all stream at that time.

Y'all need to pay attending to what fourth dimension zone y'all are in equally well. I can only stream in the early evening – and since I live on the Eastward coast of the US, that means a big portion of the country is still at work when I get on. Fortunately, Twitch is multi-national, and a ton of people from Europe are winding down around that time, so I can draw a various audience. It'due south awesome that at that place are people on at all hours of the day, only it's as well important to effort to schedule your stream for when your audition is available to spotter.

Pro Tip ane: Be Entertaining!!

Getting People to Come up to Your Stream

Ok, so y'all put in all this time and have a set schedule, now what?  One of the hardest things to do is to go people to end by your stream. There are so many gamers on Twitch that it is hard to stand up out.  You may have the most entertaining stream on the planet, but if people don't know about it, they aren't going to watch.

Then, how do you get people to watch? In the beginning, there are two chief things you tin can practice draw attending to yourself. You can network, and y'all can choose games that people desire to watch.


Networking isn't piece of cake. Not simply do you have to build your Twitch following, merely you take to build communities elsewhere likewise. It's tough, but information technology'south definitely worth the effort. The 3 main places to network are through social media, discord, and Twitch itself.

Social Media

The all-time way to annunciate your stream is through social media. I primarily utilise Twitter, because it'south the easiest platform to connect with agreeing people and create a community. The Twitter gaming community has been fantastic! I take made awesome streamer friends on Twitter, and they are some of the most supportive people I've had the pleasance of engaging with. They are highly entertaining too!

If y'all are trying to become a Twitch Affiliate, yous need to be on Twitter. You lot can share your Twitch link, advertise when yous are streaming, and brand friends who will want to support you. It's an all-around win for everyone! There is no fashion I would have become a Twitch affiliate so quickly without the help of Twitter.  Shameless plug:  If you are on Twitter simply struggling with engagement, check out my guide on how to gain 500 Twitter followers in 1 calendar month, it will show y'all how to build an engaged Twitter community (also feel free to reach out to me for advice, yous tin can find me here!).

I'm sure you lot can advertise through the other large social media sites, peculiarly Facebook and Instagram, but outside of sharing a link to my friends on Facebook, I haven't really explored those platforms yet. If you have a lot of gamer friends on those, it wouldn't hurt to share your links whenever you play.


Another great place to network (and a must-accept if you desire to take gaming seriously) is Discord. It's tough to discover channels to join, especially when you are just starting out, just there are a ton of channels that are dedicated to helping streamers abound. Most serious gamers as well take their own channels, and those are great places to engage with like-minded people.

Partners in Burn has an astonishing Discord community for Twitch Streamers. Information technology's a wholesome place where nosotros conduct raids, support other streamers, make friends, and build our brands. All of the members are incredibly supportive, and nosotros've helped a ton of people meet their streaming goals already.  Come join! We have quite a few back up activities, collaboration opportunities, and discussions almost growing and monetizing.

One note about Discord – make sure you lot are following the channel rules. Don't spam your links (that's really important for Twitter every bit well). Appoint with other people and build friendships. That's the key to growth.

Twitch Itself

You also need to be networking on Twitch itself.  I love to detect super pocket-size streams, pop in, and say hi. Sometimes they will come to support you lot back, and other times you volition notice a cool stream worth following. Either way, yous usually brand the person's day, specially if you are their merely viewer. It's a keen way to make new friends and show support to your beau streamers.

Bonus – Reddit

One bonus identify you tin wait to for networking is Reddit. There are tons of different Twitch communities out there – but most accept rules virtually cocky-promotion. Find communities that involvement you and engage with like-minded individuals. Make sure you are following all the rules of the subreddit though.

Pro Tip ii: Advertise!  People Demand To Notice Your Stream!

Game Choice

The other way to get people to check out your stream is by choosing the correct games to play. You demand to play something that'south popular, just not and so pop that everyone else is streaming information technology. Right now, everyone is playing and streaming fortnight, so it might exist hard to get noticed equally a small-scale streamer. There'southward too much competition.

Merely you likewise don't desire to play a game that nobody cares virtually. The first time I tried streaming, way back in 2018,  I played Bubble Bobble, an old school regular Nintendo game that hardly anyone has ever heard of. Nobody is searching for Bubble Bobble, and nobody wants to scout someone play a game that they don't know. I had a big fat zero viewers.

You need to find a residue between these two extremes. I enjoyed mixing upwards my streams betwixt older games that everyone loves (Mario for the win!) and newer games that still become a lot of interest (Animal Crossing for the most role). Switching it up worked well, and I drew people who were interested in both options.

Keeping your Viewers

Alright, so you lot are streaming a lot and getting people to stop past. Groovy! At present the last pace is keeping them! How practise you get people to stay and watch your stream? How do yous go along your average viewer count upwards? In that location are a few things that y'all can exercise to accomplish this – and those are: exist personable, engage with your conversation, play party games, and be supportive.

Be Personable

The first pace is to be personable. I know it can exist super awkward to talk to yourself, but you accept to power through. No one is going to stay and watch you lot quietly play a game. They desire to hear your phonation! Talk about what you lot are doing in the game and why, talk virtually your day, tell jokes, have fun!  That'due south why everyone is there.

When I stream older games, similar Mario, I tell stories from my childhood about what information technology was similar playing when they first came out. I also talk about my favorite characters in the game, how hard the levels are, and my favorite items. But I don't only focus on the game, I'll talk about my solar day, my life, and anything else that I can call back of. It'due south hard to keep a chat with yourself going, only it gets easier over fourth dimension.

Engage with your Chat

People really like to be seen and heard. 1 of the all-time ways to get someone who is just checking you out to stay is to talk to them. When someone new joins your stream, say "hi" and thank them for joining.  Monitor the conversation, ask your viewers questions, accept them assist you while you are playing the game. Make friends with your viewers and your followers. They are much more than likely to stay and to come back if they experience a personal connection with y'all. And you go to brand new friends in the procedure!  Everyone wins.

Political party Games

Another bully style to go your viewers involved is to play party games. They can play forth with yous! I beloved to play Jackbox, which is an assortment of short party games that anyone tin can play along with via cell phone. This is a neat way to appoint with viewers. It gives you lot something to talk about and keeps them involved at the aforementioned time.

Obviously, you don't desire to only play party games. Y'all want to play your favorite games. But having a party game session every now and once more is a great fashion to mix things up and make new friends. I've had people come and bring together  just because we were playing Jackbox. They decided to follow and come sentry u.s. play different games because information technology was so much fun. They stayed because we followed the other two rules above, we were personable and engaging while playing the other games. We treat everyone who watches like friends who are in the same room with us.

Pro Tip 3: Be Supportive!  People Will Help You if You lot Help Them!

Be Supportive

I mentioned this in the networking section above, but information technology's just as of import in getting people to stay. Twitch, like blogging, is not just a 1 man show. It's a customs. One of the best things you tin do to gain and keep followers is to support other streamers. Follow other streamers on Twitch, engage with their chats, and retweet their links when they are streaming. Doing these things will not only make you feel good (because information technology'south e'er nice to help others) but it will come up back to yous as well. Back up others and they will back up you. Brand friends with others in the community and they volition support you lot.

I think one of the chief reasons I achieved affiliation is quickly is because of how supportive I am. I'one thousand constantly on Twitter engaging with streamer friends, even when I don't have time to stream. I host my friends on my channel when I'thousand not playing.  In add-on, I follow people and scout their streams. Sometimes, I'm too decorated to appoint, simply I'll just get out a friend's stream on in the groundwork to help them go their viewer count up.  And estimate what? They usually reciprocate. Being a great Twitch friend pays off in spades.

Bonus Tip – Give Yourself a Head Start

The concluding thing you can do to attain affiliate status in thirty days is give yourself a tiny little boost. My boyfriend and I both have twitch accounts, then whenever I stream, my boyfriend made sure to sign in and sentinel.  That counts as ane of the 3 average views y'all demand to achieve affiliation.

It also helps in another important way. Humans are naturally drawn to groups. Someone who is merely browsing is style more likely to check out a stream that already has viewers than 1 that has no viewers. It's just human being nature.

There are tons of ways to achieve this. If you lot live with anyone (roommates, family unit, whatever), enquire them to get out Twitch upwards while you stream. Invite your gamer friends to play with you, and accept them all follow along over Twitch. They can also add together additional fun and appointment into your chat for viewers. You lot tin also invite your real life friends over for a gaming night, and have them follow forth on Twitch.

When I had an average of 2.9 viewers, I asked my Twitter friends to come lurk for me. A few of them delivered, and that was the push I needed to get by that coveted 3 mark. The point is, there are tons of ways yous tin ask your customs to help you get there, so don't be agape to practice and then!

How Do Twitch Affiliates Make Money?

Once you get an chapter on Twitch, you can start making money with your stream. Yous've just unlocked the "subscribe" button, which viewers can use to access your custom emotes and show you back up. Getting people to subscribe is way harder than getting them to follow, so you need to accept an crawly stream to convince them to keep coming back.

Y'all can also make money with donations and cheers as a Twitch affiliate. This way, viewers can give y'all a little something here and there without subscribing to your platform. Other methods of monetizing your stream include affiliate marketing, and even sponsored streams. It takes time and try to build any of these things up – merely the rewards tin can be awesome. For a complete guide on how to make money with Twitch, cheque this out.

How Much Money Practice Twitch Affiliates Make?

I know information technology'south the dream to get paid to play video games, but the reality is that most Twitch affiliates don't make enough to quit their twenty-four hour period job.  An unofficial Twitter poll from 2022 showed that most fifty% of affiliates make less than 50 bucks a month!

That's usually because they don't take enough time to dedicate to the stream. If you lot want to make streaming on Twitch lucrative, yous take to dedicate a huge corporeality of time to it, and that's something a lot of the states merely tin't exercise.

Just that doesn't mean information technology's impossible, and information technology as well doesn't mean that you can't plough it into a profitable side hustle. Some affiliates make over $700 a month, which is crawly side hustle money. Others only make a few hundred dollars every few months, but that'south swell for getting paid to play video games in your spare time.

The existent money is getting to Partner status, where you lot go a share of the ad revenue.

The Next Step: Go A Twitch Partner

After reaching affiliate on Twitch, yous tin can offset working towards the side by side pace: condign a Twitch Partner. Becoming eligible for Twitch's partner program is a lot harder than condign a Twitch affiliate. You lot take to stream for over 25 hours on 12 different days, which is doable if you want to put information technology that much endeavor, just you also have to take an average of 75 viewers! That'southward a lot! Practice you lot remember how difficult it was to simply get five?

Fifty-fifty if you meet the requirements to go a Twitch partner, you notwithstanding may not make it. Twitch reviews all partner applications manually, and there is no information on exactly what they are looking for. The requirements listed are the bare minimum, and it sounds similar you want to go above and across that prior to applying.

How Much Money Do Twitch Partners Make?

Information technology's incredibly difficult to requite a breakdown of exactly how much money Twitch Partners brand considering in that location are so many different means to monetize and most partners aren't transparent with their income. Simply, we tin judge based on what we know about how Twitch pays.

The top-earning Twitch partners tin make 20K per month but on subscriptions alone! Merely that ways you have to accept about 40 yard subs, which although possible, is quite difficult. Merely don't forget, Partners also go a share in advertizement acquirement, and even smaller streams can get some money from that. The boilerplate payout for ads is almost $250 for every 100 subscribers.

Remember, these folks treat streaming similar a concern. Although it'due south possible to brand this blazon of cash, it'due south not likely that anybody is going to be drawing in these massive crowds.

Y'all Can Do Information technology

Becoming a Twitch affiliate is hard work, only as I said earlier it is doable. If you follow these guidelines, you will go there in about thirty days. If you lot need any more advice, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or  Discord, I'm always willing to assistance smaller streams proceeds their affiliations.

And, as Promised, A Footling Backstory

Some of you may be wondering who I am, and how I know how to get to Twitch chapter rapidly. Well, I'1000 a streamer, and I just fabricated a Twitch affiliate myself after really trying for about three weeks. My showtime experience with getting someone to Twitch affiliate in less than thirty days was with an ex-young man.

I helped him mode dorsum in 2022 (when this post was originally published). He was unemployed at the fourth dimension and had all the time to dedicate to streaming, and so it was incredibly easy for him to reach affiliate speedily. I helped him a ton with networking (since he had never used Twitter at all) and past being one of the viewers in his stream. I too was on screen a lot, which probably helped him more than he'd like to admit.

My second feel getting to Twitch affiliate fast was with my own stream. I first started my own Twitch account at the same time my ex did, only I never took streaming seriously. I call back I streamed one time between 2022 and 2020. You're definitely non going to reach chapter like that! Just in April of 2020, I decided that peradventure I wanted to give streaming another go. Unfortunately, I wasn't very consistent and wasn't actually certain what I wanted to do. I streamed 3 or four times at random, so gave it up over again. But towards the end of June, I decided I really did want to take it seriously. I fix a schedule and was determined to stick to information technology. I treated streaming like a business, and followed all the steps above to reach chapter status equally quickly every bit possible.

My first stream was on June 20th, and by July 10th, I reached affiliate status. To be fair, I already had about 15 followers from the past ii years, so if I was starting from scratch, it probably would have taken me another week or so. Only still, 20 days to chapter is awesome. And if I did information technology on two separate occasions, I can assistance you do it as well. Join the discord. Follow me on Twitter. Let's abound together and make extra money!


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